I got my beta
Today I am 15 DPO (10dp5dt) and my beta is 327.
I think I'm happy, just hard to be positive when having spotting and on and off bleeding.
We did 3 IUI's; Then we decided to start doing IVF to increase our chances. Unfortunately, we found out that I have unexplained poor response to medications. We spent over $36,000 out of the pocket just in 2007 & 2008 for all our procedures. We had 4 failed IVF attempts, some canceled after weeks of expensive injections. Every cycle was a heartbreak and the pain never goes away.
Statistically, most people have become pregnant by their third cycle.
1 comment:
Since you and have exactly the same circumstances right now, I thought I would share words from both my family GP and my RE at my clinic today. My family GP says stay rested but not necessarily off feet. Get another beta if it helps ease your mind, but both betas look good and PLENTY of woman spot during the entire first trimester. The beta must be done at the same lab as the previous betas though to compare properly. Each lab uses different equipment and methods. Then my clinic called. The RE had the nurse call to communicate that it is okay to come for a third beta tomorrow although she was not sure how useful it would be. Your Beta is suppose to double every 48 hours on average but then tail off at some point. Some healthy pregnancies tail off earlier than others but generally all betas should elevate in the first few weeks of pregnancy. I am considered 5 weeks pregnant today. My ER was done on Oct. 27th.( add two weeks on the medical calendar wheel for milestones). So what sounds like 3 weeks is actually 5 weeks pregnant. Anyway, if this beta comes back elevated with all of this spotting, I'll feel temporarily comforted until the spotting hopefully stops. My RE says to yes, take it easy, but bed rest is not required. That of course you bleed more by moving around, it is natural. That blood pools in your cervix when you are laying down and then comes out with gravity. THat gravity will not hurt the baby since it is so small and so protected. That even if I bleed more, I should be walking around and doing normal things.. just no lifting pianos. However, If staying still makes me feel better, then I'll do that until I'm out of the woods! An earlier US is impossible until at least 6-7 weeks gestation. There will be no heartbeat until then and just able to see a sac. Taking extra progesterone will not help since I'm already on progesterone, it would render useless. There is really no way of telling how the baby is doing until an US since even a beta can be vague with large ranges of norm. Generally the first two betas tell the story.
That is what I've gotten so far and I'll keep you posted with more info as I receive it. I'm sorry that you are a nervous wreck as well. Lets just try to keep our chins up. We've come this far, I'm sure our little beans are doing great.
Good Luck!
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