About Me

2 years to conceive a baby is the last thing I thought could happen to us...

Let me tell you a bit about myself. I'm 25 and my husband is 27. We have been together since Oct 13, 2000 - I was 16 & he was 18. We've got married Dec 24, 2006. We started trying to conceive in February 2007 with no success.

In September 2007 we were referred to our current doctor (RE) and she specializes in Gynecologic Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility MSc, MD, FRCSC at fertility clinic in Toronto. Me and my husband did many test which all came back with great results. We were tested through Sonohysterogram, Laporoscopy, Hysteroscopy, Hysterosalpingogram (HSG), Semen DNA Fragmentation to name a few...

We did 3 IUI's; Then we decided to start doing IVF to increase our chances. Unfortunately, we found out that I have unexplained poor response to medications. We spent over $36,000 out of the pocket just in 2007 & 2008 for all our procedures. We had 4 failed IVF attempts, some canceled after weeks of expensive injections. Every cycle was a heartbreak and the pain never goes away.

Unexplained poor responder
Unexplained elevated prolactin
  • Natural - Feb.’07-Oct. ’07;
  • IUI#1 - Nov '07- Clomid 50mg (cd5-9); HCG; Progesterone 400g;
  • IUI#2 - Jan '08- Clomid 50mg (cd5-9); HCG; Progesterone 400mg;
  • IVF#1 - Long Agonist Protocol; Feb '08 - BCP; Mar '08 - Suprefact / Puregon 175IU; Canceled after 9 weeks of injections due to 3.2cm cyst on the right ovary
  • IVF#2 - Long Agonist Protocol; April '08 BCP; May '08 - Puregon 200 IU/Orgalutran 250 mg; ER May 14 - ET May 17; 5 eggs-3 mature-2 fertilized; Day 3 transfer; transferred two 8-cell & 7-cell grade 1 embies; Progesterone 600mg;
  • Natural - June ’08; Aspirin 81mg/Pre-Seed;
  • IVF#3 - Short Antagonist Protocol; July '08 - Canceled after 10 days of injections due to elevated prolactin 36.6 & poor response; only 8 follicles and not developing
  • IVF#4 - Short Antagonist Protocol; Aug/Sept' 08 -Gonal-f (225iu)/Menopur (150iu); Cetrotide (250mg);Ovidrel 10,000 IU; Progesterone in oil injections (50mg), Aspirin (81mg) Cancelled after 12 days of injections (less than 7 follicles); Later converted to IUI#3
  • IVF#5 - Estrogen Priming with MicroFlare Protocol; Oct '08 - Start Estrace Oct5 (7DPO); Stop next CD2 after AF (Oct11) start stim with Gonal-F (450iu) & microdose of Lupron/Suprefact (0.05iu); Took Aspirin 81 mg; Almost canceled due to poor response after 13 days of injections (only 6 follicles developing) + ovarian cysts; ER on cycle day 21 (!!!) after 18 days of stims; Got 10 eggs; 7 mature; 5 fertilized with ICSI; Day 5 transfer of 2 blastocysts (2AB both); one was hatching; None to freeze, all arrested; Crinone 8% & Estrace 6mg after ET
  • Greater than 50% of patients achieve pregnancy on their first IVF cycle.
  • Close to 50% of patients who had a second cycle also achieved pregnancy.
  • Finally, 40% of patients who did a third cycle achieved a clinical pregnancy.

Statistically, most people have become pregnant by their third cycle.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Crinone - Once or Twice?

Well, someone asked me why some women use Crinone (Progesterone Gel) once a day and some use it twice a day.

I am not a doctor but I have some thoughts on this. Also, medical community still does not have a final verdict on what is better (as you can see by example studies below) so I believe it depends on individual cases.

For example, lets take my case. Usually one dose is sufficient enough because it is a very concentrated gel. I was originally prescribed only one. Once I became pregnant, I had unexplained bleeding for 2 weeks of bright red blood and passing clots. Freaky, I know. I decided to add one more dose just to be safe and my doctor agreed, but she said it might not have any advantages, but if I felt like it, just for my piece of mind, then go for it. After I started using two a day, my bleeding still continued, but at least I felt good about doing everything I can with respect to extra progesterone. Crinone 8% is generally used once a day though. Each doctor will individualize the correct dosing of Crinone 8% based on the patient’s needs and their situation.

First, it depends whether you are prescribed Crinone 4% or Crinone 8% gel.

Crinone 8% is generally used once a day though. Each doctor will individualize the correct dosing of Crinone 8% based on the patient’s needs and their situation.


Each applicator delivers 1.125 grams of Crinone gel containing either 45 mg (4% gel) or 90 mg (8% gel) of progesterone in a base containing glycerin, mineral oil, polycarbophil, carbomer 934P, hydrogenated palm oil
glyceride, sorbic acid, sodium hydroxide and purified water.

Due to sustained release properties of Crinone, progesterone absorption is prolonged with an absorption half-life of approximately 25-50 hours, and an elimination half-life of 5-20 minutes.

Possible explanation

Assisted Reproductive Technology--Crinone 8% is administered vaginally at a dose of 90 mg once daily in women who require progesterone supplementation. Crinone 8% is administered vaginally at a dose of 90 mg twice daily in women with partial or complete ovarian failure who require progesterone replacement.

Further, Jobanputra et al, in a donor-egg IVF study, showed that 100% “in-phase” endometrial biopsies, reassuring pregnancy rates (46–48% vs. 41%) and mis-carriage rates (14–33% vs. 25%) were seen at both the twice and once-daily dosing levels compared to intra-muscular therapy. Pregnancy rates were as high with vaginal as with intramuscular therapy. There were no significant differences in clinical pregnancy and implantation rate using twice-daily Crinone or once-daily Crinone.
(Jobanputra K, Toner JP, Denoncourt R, Gibbons WE. Crinone 8% (90mg) given once daily for progesterone replacement therapy in donor egg cycles. Fertil Steril 1999;72:980–4.)

Although, In their study, Ho et al 1 report that using vaginal progesterone gel twice daily for luteal support resulted in better pregnancy outcomes than intramuscular progesterone. Vaginal progesterone gel seemed to offer more “targeted” delivery of progesterone to the uterus and improved endometrial receptivity.
(Ho CH, Chen SU, Peng FS, Chang CY, Yang YS. Luteal support for IVF/ICSI cycles with Crinone 8% (90 mg) twice daily results in higher pregnancy rates than with intramuscular progesterone. J Chin Med Assoc 2008;71:386–91.)

Whatever you may choose at the end, make sure you consult with your doctor first.


Nadine said...

Also worth noting is Crinone was pulled from the market because it was an ineffective source of progesterone. My RE at both clinics refused to use crinone (they insist on progesterone in oil and supplements)... something to consider.

Kats said...

Thank you for your comment ;-)

I have used Crinone until 14 weeks with my twin pregnancy (result of IVF#5) and my levels of progesterone were closely monitored. I have used progesterone in oil in previous IVF attempts and all times started my period on 10th day after retrieval (or 10DPO), even before pregnancy test/beta. Therefore Crinone seems to have done wonders for me.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the post.

Crinone worked wonders for me as well. I always lost a pregnancy on any other kind of progesterone supplements. I love Crinone. It gives me peace of mind and proper levels of progesterone during pregnancy. I don't recall it ever being pulled from the market. I have checked with 5 pharmacies and they all state it is still on the market.

IVF Prescriptions said...

Nice blog
Progesterone gel